Equity Investing

Learn about equity investing for wealth creation

Trading vs Investing | What’s right for you?

Trading vs Investing, the most cliche and common question everyone has before they start their stock market journey. It is better to understand both the terms, implications, the risk involved etc before you really get into it…Don’t worry we will make it very very simple and avoid difficult terms to explain trading vs investing. Trading […]

List of Penny Stocks to Buy Below Rs.10 Listed on NSE (2020 updated list)

Get a complete list of penny stocks to buy listed and traded on NSE in a detailed table. Before we jump to the list, Let’s understand what are penny stocks? What are Penny Stocks? (definition) Penny stocks are stocks that are traded at extremely low prices, have very low market capitalization, and are illiquid. Many […]

What is Equity SIP? Meaning, Definition & Examples

We all know what is SIP, Systematic Investment Plan. This is the most common terminology used in mutual fund investing. But what is Equity SIP? how to start Equity SIP online? SIP is the most preferred investment mode while investing in mutual funds. Investors have accepted and understood this method very well. Before we jump […]

Why You Should Invest in Stocks and Mutual Funds When Markets Are Crashing?

This article is a no-nonsense article, which will explain why you should invest when markets are crashing or underperforming. Why invest when everyone thinks that stock markets have crashed and so many investors have lost money. Before we deep dive lets understand how Institutional investors invest in markets. So institutional investors are basically “Sharmaji ka […]

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